
I feel a change coming on (and the last part of the day is already gone)

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2010 at 8:06 am

Ok, first things first; how awesome am I to randomly remember Bob Dylan lyrics (and not over-quoted ones either) and then use them as a blog title and have them be completely relevant to the topic? That’s right, so cool you can stop the search for new people to add to your life; there’s no point; I’m as good as it can possibly get.

“I feel a change coming on”.

Down to the Wire(less) Festival

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2010 at 7:28 am

So it’s been well over a month since Wireless festival, which is proof that I am not cut out for this whole travel blog thing. Nevertheless, time to soldier on and actually get down in words the craziness of that experience.

Within the first few days of arriving in London, I decided that it was crucial for me to go see LCD Soundsystem at Wireless festival. As James Murphy said that this would be the last album he releases as LCD, it’s fair to say this would also be his last tour, with infrequent performances over the next few years the only chance to ever see him play again. So I had to go. I immediately bought tickets for the concert, and plane tickets to and from Paris for the weekend. Mistake one.